Yesterday, a breakdown at Schiphol’s main fuel supplier, Aircraft Fuel Supply, caused major issues for travellers. NOS reports that a total of 300 flights were cancelled, which affected over 10.000 people. Many were forced to sleep at the airport, as hotels in Amsterdam quickly reached maximum capacity.
Aircraft Fuel Supply
Planes couldn’t be refuelled yesterday, due to a fault in Aircraft Fuel Supply’s system. The system’s malfunction began at around 1pm and was resolved at 9:30 pm. Schiphol’s spokesperson says the cause of the problem is not yet known.
Angry travellers
Many angry travellers stuck at the airport are taking to social media to complain about not receiving enough information from the airport. They are also angry that they will not be compensated for their troubles by the airlines, as the fuel supply system failure is considered to be an “extenuating circumstance”. However, airlines are obliged to compensate for any hotel stays and meals.
Going to Schiphol today?
Are you catching a flight from Schiphol today? The airport advises contacting your airline or travel agent for further information about your flight.